January 24, 2015
I don’t know what the New England Patriots were thinking. They’re already a great team – why mess it up by breaking the rules? I’m totally against cheating. No, seriously, I am!
Here are ten reasons why you should never ever cheat.
1. There are better ways to beat the system. For example, if you didn’t study for a test, don’t copy off the person next to you! Just convince the teacher that tests are overrated.
2. Cheaters always get caught. Except for Timmy McGibney that one time. Ooops! Sorry, Timmy.
3. You’ll feel bad about yourself — so bad, even ice cream won’t help.
4. Your parents will be the one thing that’s worse than mad. They’ll be DISAPPOINTED.
5. Other kids will pretend to think it’s cool, but secretly they’ll think you’re a loser.
6. It will stick with you forever. Unlike, for example, a C- in sixth grade science. Not that I got that or anything.
7. Girls hate cheaters.
8. Being immoral is bad. As opposed to being immortal, which is excellent. Unless you’re a zombie.
9. Rules aren’t made to be broken. They’re made to be bent.
10. The food in detention is really bad.
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